Artist Grace Emily Manning, a dedicated experimenter, has spent years crafting materials from organic and inorganic gems sensitively collected from landscapes. Resulting in a precious wellspring of knowledge derived from genuine experimentation and a deeply curious spirit.
At GEM Eco Studio, we create one-of-a-kind plant-based inks, paints, pigments, and art materials, each imbued with a unique essence and palette extracted from the earth. Also conducting active research into innovative future materials like bioplastics from algae.
We collaborate with artists to explore eco-friendly material choices, offering tailored solutions from vegetable paints for SEN students to archival-proof ink for film and television productions.
Botanical Ink
Oak Gall
Indelible, archive proof ink made with tannin rich Oak Galls and iron, perfect for historial books, authetic letters and artworks.
Alder Cone
Cherry Sap Binder
A forageable plant-based binder for natural inks to improve flow, collected from trees that line roads around Birmingham.
Wild Flowers
Delicate inks made from local wild flowers like Cornish Gorse.
Inks made with vegetables grown in the garden and on local allotment.
Copper Ink
Natural Paint
Edible paints made with food grade vegetable powders and binding ingredients.
Mineral based pigment such as chalk and ochres collected sensitevly from the earth in small quantities or made using responsibly sourced pigments.
Vegan skin made from natural latex dyed with weld leaves and willow bark, texture cast off second hand clutch bag.
Vegan Skin made from natural latex dyed with madder root and willow bark, texture cast off second hand faux leather textiles.